Fridays Chat w/Vlad - October 20, 2023

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. You may recall my last chat on the importance of play included a picture of a young #dorkwolf doing just that. Well as innocuous as that sounds, that picture has caused quite a kerfuffle around her. It started with Panda mentioning she saw my post and while Lucan was cute as a puppy, he was no where near as cute as she was. Then Lena chimed in and proclaimed she was the cutest. Ishy then said it is well known that she was the cutest of the bunch. Of course Panda couldn’t let that go unchallenged and said “Ishy, I think you’re mistaking cute for psycho. I’m sure you can all see where this went from there. It went from bad to worse with insults and innuendo being readily exchanged. At one point Sergei actually told Lena that her mama was so ugly that when she puts her pictures on Facebook they get flagged as harmful content. Now this was not the most reasoned insult as Sergei and Lena are full siblings.

The thing is, after a very busy spring and summer of bringing in new residents, it is finally slowing down a bit. They say idle minds are the devil’s workshop and around her that translates into someone bringing the drama llama out of its stable to just cause a ruckus and create some effervescence.

Of course this whole hullabaloo is quite pointless as truth be told I was by far the cutest kit the world has been privileged to cast its eyes upon. But just to satisfy the others I will post pictures of us ambassadors as young’uns and you can verify what we all already know. The winner will be featured on my next chat.

Vlad out.